
The use of chemicals and other substances in the production and processing of cocoa might be detrimental to the health and safety of farmers largely due to the misuse and misapplication of pesticides with disregard to safety measures and regulations on chemical use.


Misuse or misapplication is the use of pesticides in a way that violates laws regulating their use which endangers humans, crops and the environment. There are several challenges related to the use of pesticides in Ghana especially among cocoa farmers and these include the irresponsible use of these pesticides, high exposure levels, unacceptable residue levels, the inability to deal with hazardous waste including obsolete pesticides and empty containers, the trade in counterfeit and illegal pesticides, pollution of water bodies, the use of children and pregnant women in the handling of pesticides, and the inadequate use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) among others.


The use of pesticides and other agri-inputs in the cocoa industry in Ghana has raised a lot of concerns about the level of residues in cocoa beans, soils, and water, as well as other potential harm to humans and the environment. There is therefore the need to continuously build the capacities of cocoa farmers through training and sensitizations on the safe and responsible use of pesticides in cocoa production and to promote the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) among these farmers.

For this reason, CropLife Ghana with support from World Cocoa Foundation (WCF) and CropLife Africa Middle East (CLAME) seeks to build the capacities of fifteen thousand (15,000) cocoa farmers through training and sensitization on the safe and responsible use of pesticides and to promote the use of PPEs among cocoa farmers in some selected districts in Ghana.

As part of the program launch, Croplife Ghana in collaboration with The World Cocoa Foundation put together some activities geared towards creating awareness in the catchment areas prior to the sensitization of farmers in the selected districts. The program began with a grand Durbar at the Fore front of the MOFA District Office in Goaso on Wednesday 10th May, 2023 which saw an exhibition of various products approved by the EPA and CRIG for use on cocoa farms in Ghana. Participants included Staff of the Ministry of Food & Agriculture (MOFA), WCF, Croplife Ghana Member companies, Farmers, and other stakeholders. Farmers were sensitized on the use of various products while edging farmers and all other stakeholders to purchase only approved and registered crop protection products for use. About One Hundred Farmers were sensitized on day one of the launching program.

Farmer being sensitized on a product

Day 2 of the planned activities saw a mini float through the principal streets of Goaso and adjourning communities with brass band music to create awareness of the impending sensitization and training activities to be carried out.

:WCF Country Director Dr. Betty (Left) & CLAME Director ofor Stewardship Ms. Evelyn (right)

Team CLG distributing some materials.

Some sensitization materials on safe use of pesticides and other crop protection products were distributed to stakeholders within the catchment areas. The team took time to explain the need to use right CPP’s as well as announce the upcoming training programs for the benefit of all. The float started at about 9am and ended at 2pm.

As part of the sensitization activities, some member companies of Croplife donated a set of jerseys to the secretariat. A football gala was organized between Four Districts namely Kukuom, Dadesoaba, Ntotroso and Goaso playing for a cup final. In the end Goaso won after a victory over Kukuom and was presented with the most coveted trophy. There was wild jubilation amid cheers and dancing. The team

Team Goaso in jubilant mood

Team Kukuom before kick off

The Launch Procedure

The launch was scheduled to begin at 10:00 am and end at 1:00pm. The program started with a word of prayer followed by an introduction of participant. Participants were drawn from various cooperative groups and associations within the Project Zones of Influence, MOFA, World Cocoa Foundation (WCF) staff, Croplife Ghana staff and representatives from member companies.  

   The Program Manager of CropLife Ghana, Mr. Rashad Kadiri and the Country Director of WCF Dr. Betty Annan officially launched the program on “Promoting safe and responsible use of agrochemicals “. In effect participants were sensitized on pesticide identification, counterfeit pesticides in the market, effective and efficient application of pesticides and fertilizers, Various Crop Protection Products (PPE’s) which is approved for use during spraying, pruning or Fertilizer application.

Participants were sensitized on the importance of CPP’s in obtaining maximum yields.


 Expected Outcome of the training

The launch was expected to:  

v  Create awareness amongst cocoa farmers about issues of agrochemical counterfeiting.

v  Sensitize farmers on the efficient and effective application of agri-inputs

v  Sensitize farmers on the need to apply on CropLife Ghana membership products. 

v  Sensitize farmers on the need to observe good agricultural practices in their farming activities for optimum yield.

v      Sensitize Farmers on how and where to purchase their pesticides and fertilizers.

v     Sensitize farmers on the need to use Personal Protective Clothing in pesticides and fertilizer application.

v  Sensitize farmers on the proper disposal of empty containers for safeguarding

Expected Timelines the Program 

v  Training is scheduled for farmers within the ZOI from May – August 2023

v  The program is scheduled to take place in collaboration with WCF and CLAME two weeks after the launch.

v  The program would target 21,000 cocoa farmers 

v  CropLife member companies will be present to sell out their products and create linkage with farmers


       Challenges and setback

The team was faced with a couple of challenges such as lateness of participants (farmer co-        operatives) to the venue due to bad roads leading to the venue of the program which caused a delay in     the commencement of the program

Closing of the training

v  The ECOM leader praised CropLife Ghana and World Cocoa Foundation for the initiatives to train twenty –one thousands cocoa farmers on the safe-uses of pesticides and humbly requested for more educative program of this kind should be organized in other communities to enable the farmers do farming with joy and not farming plaque with grief.

v  After a long and successful exercise, the program ended with a picture taking(group picture) and also providing participants  with refreshment.

Group Photo of Participants at the Launch

Question Time

Participants asking some key questions.