Presentation of PPEs to 100 Cocoa Farmers in the Western North Region

CropLife Ghana in collaboration with Cargil Ghana Limited has trained 100 cocoa farmers at Sefwi Wiawso in the Western North Region. The five(5) days training took place at four districts namely Bibiani, Sefwi Wiawso, Sefwi Bekwai and Sefwi Anhwiaso. The facilitators took the 100 carefully selected service providers who also double as cocoa farmers through both the theoretical and the practical sessions. Examinations was conducted at the end of the training where all the 100 farmers passed out successfully.

Each farmer received a set of protective equipment, certificate, ID Card, Cutlass, and Standard Pruner. After the presentation of the equipment, farmers were introduced to community members for them to patronize their services at a small fee thereby creating additional income stream for these trained service providers and reducing the stress on farmers across their locality.

Pictures of Presentation